AoN High Mobility #Reconnaissance #Vehicle for Armoured and Mechanised Infantry Units, Indian Army (8 Dec 2022)

Issue Date: 8 Dec 2022        |        Response Date: 5 Jan 2022

The High Mobility Reconnaissance Vehicle (HMRV) will be employed by Command and Recce elements of Mechanised Infantry Units and Armoured Regiments for Recce & Surveillance tasks. HMRV should possess adequate mobility and provide protection for troops on board. In addition, it should be able to carry the battle loads to include weapons, ammunition, surveillance and communication equipment required to carry out mandated operational tasks.

  • Item Description (Weapon / Equipment / Platform). High Mobility Reconnaissance Vehicle (HMRV).
  • Quantity. Quantity ninety One (91) High Mobility Reconnaissance Vehicle.
  • Categorisation. Buy (Indian) as per provisions of Chapter V of DAP 2020 Fast Track Procedure.