CSL begins building of 2 Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts for Indian Navy

The “keel-laying” ceremony of two Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts (ASWSWC) being built by Cochin Shipyard Ltd. (CSL), for the Indian Navy, was recently held by the CSL. With this the shipyard has formally begin with the construction work on these two vessels - temporarily designated as BY524 and BY525. These vessels will basically be used for subsurface surveillance in coastal areas to detect and neutralise underwater threats.

Previously, in May 2019 the Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) awarded a contract worth Rs 6,311 crore to Cochin Shipyard for construction of eight (08) ASW SWCs. As of now, three of the eight ships in this series are currently under construction. Under this contract, the first ship was also expected to be delivered within a span of 42 months, with subsequent deliveries of two ships per year. All the deliveries are slated to be completed within a deadline of 84 months.

About Anti-Submarine Warfare Shallow Water Crafts (ASWSWCs) - These ASWSWCs are capable of full-scale sub surface surveillance of coastal waters and coordinated ASW operations with aircraft. In addition, there vessels will have the capability to interdict/destroy sub surface targets in coastal waters. They can also be deployed for day and night search and rescue in coastal areas. In their secondary role, they will be capable to sew intruding aircraft, and lay mines in the sea bed. The vessels will be equipped with highly advanced state-of-the-art Integrated Platform Management Systems, Propulsion Machinery, Auxiliary Machinery, Power Generation and Distribution Machinery and Damage Control Machinery.