Sashastra Seema Bal to procure 1802 Nos. of latest 9X19mm Carbine SMG

The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) has issued tender for the procurement of latest Small Machine Gun (SMG) (9 x19 MM carbine) along with Accessories. The required quantity is about 1802 Nos.

The Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB) is a paramilitary police force under the Ministry of Home affairs responsible for guarding India’s international borders with Nepal and Bhutan.

As per the tender document, the SSB is looking for a SMG that should be light weight, robust, easy to use and modular, and capable of firing 9X19 mm ammunition including indigenous OFB manufactured ammunition without any alterations or replacement of working parts to the carbine.

Other key specifications enlisted in the tender document includes of:

Weight: Without magazine however with three pica tinny rails should not be more than 3 Kgs.

Firing Mode:

a) Single and automatic.
b) Suitable change lever to select firing mode
c) Change lever should be positively locked to ensure that weapon fires in desired mode only when it is in designated position

Effective Range: The weapon should be able to effectively incapacitate a human target at a range of 100 mtrs with aimed fire under normal conditions of visibility.

Rate of fire: 800 Rounds/per minute cyclic rate of fire

Muzzle Velocity: 375+10 Meter/Second


(a) At 50 mtrs (Single Shot)-Group size should be within 8×8 cms.
(b) At 50 mtrs (short burst of two / three rounds)- All the rounds fired should hit within 15 cms X 15 cms area

Reliability: a) 1000 rounds test will be carried out.
b) Total stoppages – maximum one stoppage of class-I is permitted in a cycle of 200 rds.

Picatinny Rail: Mil standard 1913 pica tinny rail integrated with the weapon on at least 3 sides (to be specified by the user) to provide interfaces for accessories like internationally available optical sights and Tactical Lights / LAD.


a) Capacity: 20-30 rounds

(b) Material: Magazine should be either metallic with side slots for ammunition indication or see through high strength polymer/ composite magazine. Magazine should be robust enough to withstand rough usage under various environmental conditions. Should not get deformed when subjected to heat during prolonged firing or in hot weather conditions.

Accessories: Manufactures of the weapon should provide accessories to include:
a) Tactical light
b) Laser aiming device
c) Magazine
d) Field cleaning kit
e) Standard weapon tool kit
f) Measurement gauge (Go & No go)
g) Filler gauge
h) Firing pin protrusion gauge
i) Maintenance manual in English
j) Technical literature in English
k) Training manual & user hand book/ training slides/ brochures/ video films & CDs.
l) Manufacturers recommended list of spares duly priced m) Recommended list of spares for 04 years for field level and base level repairs and spares back up must be assured for at least 15 years.
n) List of STEs / SMTs / Test jigs for repair and testing of main equipment at field level.
o) Illustrated spares parts list.

Besides, the in situ training for one week on operation, maintenance, fault finding and user level repairs at buyer’s premises at their cost is to be provided.