France offers to co-develop jet engine with India

It has been reported by HT that France has given approval to defence major Safran to jointly design, develop, test, manufacture, and finally certify an engine with India that will empower twin-engine Advance Multi-Role Combat Aircraft (AMCA) and also the twin-engine deck-based fighter for Indian aircraft carriers.

To be noted that the 100% transfer of technology offered by the France based Safran is free from US International Trade in Arms Regulation (ITAR) and the proposed 110 kilo newton engine will be fully ‘Made in India’.

Further, according to the HT report, the French offers include a completely new engine, new materials, new architecture, with full supply chains, and ancillary manufacturing based in India.

Besides, the offer also includes Safran setting up a centre of excellence in gas turbine technology in India with full design and metallurgical precision software tools.

The French offer is synchronised with Safran’s facility coming up in Hyderabad to maintain repair and overhaul (MRO) LEAP engines for the A320 and Boeing 737 aircraft.

The French company is already working on a 125 KN engine for the next-generation fighter jet.

Safran engines power the helicopters made by HAL and the two companies are reported to have agreed to jointly develop the engine for Indian multi-role helicopters.