Indian Army issues RFI for leasing of 20 light helicopters

Indian Army, intends to lease 20 Helicopters (Reconnaissance & Surveillance Helicopters) with ground support equipment for five years from two bases (amongst existing Army Aviation Bases).

This lease will also include all maintenance support including Performance Based Logistics (PBL) and training of aircrew (including instructors) and training of technical crew for undertaking ‘Operator’ (O) level maintenance crew during the term of the lease.

A Request for information (RFI)has been issued in this regard; while the last date of acceptance of response is 12 Sep 2023. 

Also, to be noted that responses to this request is only from Indian vendors (including an Indian company forming joint venture/ establishing production arrangement with OEM).

These are only allowed to participate in the Lease Project.

The RSH Helicopters should be able to perform the following roles by day and night:-

  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance, including armed reconnaissance.
  • Direction of Artillery Fire.
  • Carry small body of troops/Quick Reaction Teams for special missions.
  • Aerial Photography.
  • Scout role in conjunction with Attack Helicopter.
  • Airborne Forward Air Controller (FAC), if required.
  • Casualty Evacuation.
  • NBC monitoring.
  • Platform for ESM, ECM and ECCM etc.
  • Provide dynamic response during aid to civil authorities.

The Lessors are required to indicate the overall time frame of delivery of 20 helicopters for Lease from the date of signing the contract.

Further, it should include stage wise break-up of delivery and the entire Lease Project post conclusion of contract. Lessor shall also indicate the possibility of delivering all 20 helicopters within two years from the contract signing date.

The training schedule is to be in line with the delivery schedule.

The Lessor should indicate readiness for commencement of delivery of the helicopters, support equipment and training.

Besides, the lessor is to separately indicate with effect on lease cost for buying helicopters (at residual value) at the end of lease term and other implications, if any as well as extending the lease for a period of five years or part thereof.

The Residual Minimum Service Life of the Helicopter is required to be 15 years on commencement of lease.

The OEM/OEM authorised MRO agency is required to ensure the availability of spare parts and its maintainability throughout the service life of the Helicopters.

In addition, vintage of the helicopter also needs to be indicated by the Lessor.


Following parameters/ specifications of helicopter and equipment is requested in the response to our Request for Information.

For purpose of this requirement, standard configuration means a Light Helicopter with at least the following equipment :-

  • Integrated Flight Display.
  •  Display to monitor all engine and helicopter parameters.
  • Solid State Cockpit Voice Recorder, Flight Data Recorder and Emergency Locator Beacon.
  • Cockpit with Night Vision (NVG) Compatible lighting.
  • Transponder Mod S, ICS and Communication sets (VHF & UHF).

Intended Use of Equipment. The RSH Helicopters should be of Light Helicopter and be able to perform the following roles by day and night:-

  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance, including armed reconnaissance.
  • Direction of Artillery Fire.
  • Carry small body of troops/Quick Reaction Teams for special missions.
  • Aerial Photography.
  • Scout role in conjunction with Attack Helicopter.
  • Airborne Forward Air Controller (FAC), if required.
  • Casualty Evacuation.
  • NBC monitoring.
  • Platform for ESM, ECM and ECCM etc.
  • Provide dynamic response during aid to civil authorities.

Stipulated Conditions for Use.

  • Indian Reference Atmosphere. Performance requirements must  be met in Indian Reference Atmosphere (IRA) conditions. The relevant parameters of IRA are as under :-
    (i) Sea level Mean temperature : ISA + 20°C.
    (ii) Reference Temperature for Take off and landing : ISA + 20°C.
    (iii) Reference Temperature for performance less Ser 2(a)(ii) : ISA+ 15°C.
    (iv) Lapse rate from sea level to 16 km: 6.5°C/km.
    (v) Mean Sea Level pressure : 1005 hp