HAL, L&T consortium delivers PSLV propellant ingredients to ISRO

The productionisation of the PSLV (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle) by the industry reached a significant milestone with the propellant ingredients being delivered to SDSC-SHAR for the realisation of Solid Motors for the inaugural flight of the industry-manufactured PSLV N1.

The Department of Space (DOS), through its commercial arm, NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), has placed an order with a consortium of Larsen & Tourbo (L&T) and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) to realise five (Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles) PSLVs towards productionisation of PSLVs.

As part of the initial phase of producing solid motors for the inaugural PSLV N1 launch, the consortium delivered the essential propellant ingredients at SDSC-SHAR in Sriharikota.

The material acceptance documents were formally handed over by the Vice President and Head of Aerospace at L&T Defense, along with the Deputy General Manager from HAL, to the Director of SDSC-SHAR.

Source: https://www.isro.gov.in/