ISRO successfully launches the unmanned test flight TV-D1

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on Saturday, October 21, successfully launched the unmanned test flight TV-D1 from Sriharikota launch pad at 10:00 am.

“Going as planned,” the space agency said after the launch.

Noteworthy, Test Vehicle D1 mission was first scheduled for a lift-off at 8 am which was revised to 8.45 am.

But just five seconds before the launch, the countdown stopped.

It was again attempted at 10 am, and achieved success.

The Gaganyaan project envisages a demonstration of ISRO’s human spaceflight capability by launching a human crew to an orbit of 400 km and bringing them safely back to earth by landing in Indian sea waters.

The Test Vehicle Development Flight (TV-D1) is aimed at testing the crew module (CM) that will carry Indian astronauts during the human spaceflight late next year.

Basically, the TV-D1 test flight involves launching the unmanned crew module to outer space, bringing it back to earth and recovering it after touchdown in the Bay of Bengal.