US approves potential sale of MK 54 Lightweight Torpedoes to Germany

The State Department of United States (US) has made a determination approving a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Germany of MK 54 Lightweight Torpedoes and related equipment.

The estimated total program cost is $300 million.

Notably, the Government of Germany has requested to buy up to eighty (80) MK 54 Lightweight Torpedoes (LWT).

Also included are:-

  • MK 54 Mod 0 LWT spare parts
  • Recoverable Exercise Torpedoes (REXTORPs) with containers
  • handling shapes and containers
  • torpedo spare parts
  • tools for mounting and dismounting of Air Launch Accessories (ALAs)
  • equipment for analysis of REXTORP exercise shots
  • REXTORP maintenance equipment
  • training
  • publications
  • support and test equipment
  • U.S. Government and contractor engineering,
  • technical, and logistics support services
  • other related elements of logistics and program support

To be noted that this proposed sale will support the foreign policy and national security of the United States by improving the security of a NATO Ally that is an important force for political and economic stability in Europe.

Besides, the proposed sale will improve Germany’s capability to meet current and future threats by upgrading Anti-Submarine Warfare capabilities on its P-8A aircraft.

The principal contractor will be Raytheon Integrated Defense Systems, Portsmouth, RI.

There are no known offset agreements proposed in connection with this potential sale.

Implementation of this proposed sale will not require the assignment of any additional U.S. Government or contractor representatives to Germany.

However, U.S. Government Engineering and Technical Services may be required on an interim basis for training and technical assistance.
