KNDS and LEONARDO form strategic alliance

Under the auspices of the Italian Ministry of Defense, Leonardo and KNDS have signed an agreement for further development of a more intensive cooperation. The aim is to create a truly European Defense Group and, in addition, to cooperate more closely in the field of land based electronics. Such a strategic alliance will enable the…

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Rheinmetall and Airbus transfer another simulator for Airbus A400M to German Air Force

Rheinmetall and Airbus have transferred an A400M cargo hold simulator to the Bundeswehr’s 62nd Air Transport Squadron (LTG 62) at Wunstorf in Lower Saxony. The Cargo Hold Part Task Trainer (CPTT) complements existing simulators and training systems at the German Air Force’s A400M Training Centre. In Wunstorf, cargo hold crews already train (among other things) on…

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