External Affairs Minister of India to visit Nigeria; to co-chair 6th India-Nigeria JCM

The External Affairs Minister (EAM) of India, Dr. S. Jaishankar will travel to Nigeria on an official visit from 21-23 January 2024.

The EAM will co-chair the 6th India-Nigeria Joint Commission Meeting (JCM) with his counterpart and meet with other leaders.

Further, he will also inaugurate the 3rd edition of Nigeria-India Business Council meeting, deliver a speech at the Nigerian Institute of International Affairs, interact with CII Business delegates and inaugurate the bust of Mahatma Gandhi.

Also, he will chair the regional conference of Indian Heads of Missions.

India and Nigeria have traditionally enjoyed close and friendly relations.

This is EAM’s first visit to Nigeria which will further consolidate bilateral relations between the two countries.

Source: https://www.mea.gov.in/press-releases.htm?dtl/37517/Visit_of_External_Affairs_Minister_Dr_S_Jaishankar_to_Uganda_and_Nigeria_January_1923_2024