MoD issues AoN for procurement of Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition System for Mechanised Infantry

The Ministry of Defence (MoD), India has issued an Acceptance of Necessity (AoN) for the procurement of 180 Nos. of Canister Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System with Accessories for Mechanised Infantry.

The procurement will be done under Buy (Indian-IDDM) category with minimum Indigenous Content (IC) of 60% under Chapter-II, DAP-2020.

Noteworthy, CALM will be fitted on AFVs (BMP-2K/CMT)/Recce Vehicle of the Indian Army.

Further, following are the core technologies that will be indigenously designed and developed: -

  • Electric Propulsion Motor Technology.
  • Battery Technology.
  • High Explosive Anti-Tank Warhead Technology.
  • Airframe Technology.

Additional vendors, who did not respond to the CALM RFI dated 08 April 2022, may express interest by 18 Apr 2024 for receipt of RFP (i.e., within four weeks effective from 21 Mar 2024).

Broad Description of Canister-Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System

Canister-Launched Anti-Armour Loiter Munition (CALM) System with Accessories should provide the Mechanised Infantry and Armoured units capability to undertake remote controlled / unmanned actions at beyond visual range / stand-off ranges of up to 15 km to destroy enemy’s Armoured Fighting Vehicles with a HEAT warhead as per Operational Requirements given in this RFP.

There should be provision to launch from an AFV at least one Loiter Munition (LM) from its canister and the fitment should not restrict traverse and elevation of Main Gun of the parent AFV.

The Ground Control Station (GCS) should be rugged with provision to control LM from at least 500 metres from parent AFV.
