Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare organises ‘Samadhan Campaign’ at Darjeeling

The Department of Ex-servicemen Welfare, India organised ‘Samadhan Campaign’, its outreach programme at Bengdubi Army Camp, in Darjeeling, West Bengal.

Notably, the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare is a department under the Ministry of Defence, India, established in 2004. It is the nodal agency for matters relating resettlement, welfare and pensionary matters of Ex-Servicemen.

Interacting with the veterans during the Campaign, Secretary (Ex-servicemen Welfare) Dr Niten Chandra reaffirmed the government’s commitment to further strengthen the welfare measures for them.

Seeking feedback and insights into the challenges veterans come across while availing various welfare schemes of the Department, Dr. Niten Chandra directed Rajya & Zila Sainik Boards, ECHS and other agencies under the department to set-up proactive communication and collaboration mechanism in finding solutions to the problems of ex-servicemen.

He reiterated the government’s unwavering support for the veteran community.

The ‘Samadhan Campaign’ is an initiative by the Department to honor the sacrifices made by ex-servicemen and their families, by proactively engaging with them and addressing their grievances related to the department’s various welfare schemes.

Through proactive engagement and meaningful dialogue, the campaign seeks to create a conducive environment for ex-servicemen to thrive and contribute to society positively.

During the campaign, DG Resettlement Maj Gen SBK Singh explained about various programmes available for the resettlement of ex-servicemen.

He also called upon veterans to engage in the entrepreneurship avenues available for them.

A large number of veterans from Darjeeling, and adjoining districts of West Bengal and Bihar came to attend the Samadhan Campaign and their grievances related to SPARSH pension, healthcare among others were addressed.
