Ukraine’s Antonov Joins European Aerospace and Defense Lobby

Ukraine’s largest aircraft manufacturing company Antonov joined the Aerospace, Security and Defense Industries Association of Europe (ASD).

To be noted that Antonov is the first Ukrainian company in the ASD, the largest aerospace and defense lobby in Europe.

This membership will strengthen ties between European and Ukrainian manufacturers.

Notably, the Ukrainian company produced the iconic Antonov An-225 Mriya aircraft, the largest cargo plane in the world.

However, Russian forces destroyed the Mriya during the Battle of Kyiv last year.

The state-owned defense company conglomerate Ukrainian Defense Industry said last month that Antonov will open a new drone center to enhance drone manufacturing capabilities in Ukraine.

Antonov’s ASD membership allows it to contribute to the International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations (ICCAIA) in developing standards and regulations for aircraft security.

Worth mentioning, ASD represents over 4,000 aerospace companies in Europe including BAE Systems Plc and Rheinmetall AG.

The members account for 98% of the sector’s turnover in Europe and 93% of aerospace employment.

Ukraine previously joined the aviation organization Eurocontrol and the European Civil Aviation Conference (ECAC).
