DefExpo 2022 witnessed 451 MoUs, ToT agreements & product launches worth Rs 1.5 Lakh Cr

The 12th and largest-ever defence exhibition - DefExpo 2022 - held in Gandhinagar, Gujarat this year, marked Four hundred and fifty-one (451) Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), Transfer of Technology (ToT) agreements and product launches worth Rs 1.5 Lakh Crores. Out of the 451, there were 345 MoUs, 42 Major Announcements, 46 Product Launches and 18 Transfer of Technologies (ToTs), reflecting India’s progress towards achieving ‘Aatmanirbharta’ in Defence and integration between the Armed Forces requirements, R&D and defence production by public and private players. . In the last defence expo, which was held in 2020 in Lucknow, around 201 MoUs were signed.