MoD clears procurement of 120 Pralay ballistic Missiles

The Ministry of Defence (MoD), India have approved the acquisition of 120 Pralay ballistic missiles along the China and Pakistan border.

These missiles are now being mass-produced and are expected to be ready for operational service in the near future.

About Pralay ballistic Missiles

Pralay is a quasi-ballistic surface-to-surface missile which has been developed in a way to be able to defeat interceptor missiles.

The DRDO developed indigenous missile is a tactical, surface-to-surface, and short-range ballistic missile for use on the battlefield.

Further, it has the ability to change its path after covering a certain range mid-air.

Besides, the Missile is powered with a solid propellant rocket motor and many new technologies.

The missile ranges from 150-500 km and can be launched from a mobile launcher.

In addition, the missile guidance system includes a state-of-the-art navigation system and integrated avionics. It is designed to destroy enemy radar and communication installations, command and control centres, and airfields.