Test Facilities for Defence Private Sector

  • In order to facilitate the Indian defence private industry for testing/ trials, proof firing or field firing of their products, Government has offered the test facilities/ proof ranges/ Field firing ranges available with OFB, DPSUs, DGQA, DGAQA, DRDO, SHQ(Army), SHQ(Navy), SHQ (Air Force) to private industry.

The guidelines for Test Facilities offered by the Government issued on 28th Aug 2019 are as under: -

  1. Use of the test facilities for R&D purpose without the need for furnishing End-User Certificate: Currently in order to avail test facilities of the Government Agencies, a private entity is required to submit the End-User Certificate (EUC). However, private companies may require access to test facilities for their own R&D purpose, for development of an item for export purpose or indigenization of item being imported. EUC shall not be insisted upon Govt. agencies while offering the test facility in the following cases: -
  • If the testing facility is required for R&D purposes, provided the items are meant for defence application
  • For initial validation of product, if an Indian company manufactures the product for export purposes
  • If a product is being developed in lieu of the imported product, irrespective of the demand at the time.
  1. Fixation of Insurance Cost: As per the extant procedure followed by different Govt. agencies, if any damage occurs to equipment/property/personnel resulting from the testing of the job of private entity, the private entity is liable to bear the expenses of repair/replacement of the facility and all necessary insurance coverage for the job shall be responsibility of the private entity.
  2. Transparency in declaration of test results: The security vetted firm’s representatives may be allowed to witness the test result for the sake of transparency if they so desire.
  3. Minimizing delays: Government agencies should take appropriate measures to minimize the waiting time of tests for private sector. Items sought to be indigenized by the private industry should be given high priority for testing and certification.

Detailed guidelines can be downloaded here.

Source: https://makeinindiadefence.gov.in/