The New Era of Airborne Based Disruptive Technologies

Ever since its inception technology has impacted military conflicts or warfare. Though, it is a known fact that technology alone is not capable of winning any warfare but undeniably it does appear that technology superiority has been the major deciding factor in any warfare or military conflict since ages.

Armed Forces that are better equipped with higher technologies have always and will continue to have an upper hand. Further, technology also has a great deterrent value, hence, even at times can help in averting wars with least damage and costs.

The recent years have witnessed remarkable changes in the global technology environment as a result of acceleration in both the pace of technological advancement as well as the rate of diffusion leading to the development and emergence of military ‘disruptive technologies’ such as Information Warfare (IW), Cloud Computing, Cyber Security, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Robotics, New Undersea Systems, Unmanned Ground Vehicles, deadly UAVs and Blockchain to name a few.

These being more precise and lethal are thus expected to further revolutionize the warfare scenario which will be dominated by information technology. Furthermore, as the speed of technological development accelerates it will revolutionise warfare and competitive edge will rule any kind of warfare. It is believed that the timely and right application of such technologies have even greater potential than nuclear weapons to completely change the balance of power.

Moreover, it needs to be highlighted over here that the future wars will be a ‘Non-Contact War (NCW)’ which will involve minimum manpower or physical contact of Forces and to this aspect development of ‘Airborne Based Disruptive Technologies’ is fast gaining importance.

These technologies basically include Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, Autonomous Unmanned System, Hypersonic, Directed Energy Weapon and Cyber Capabilities to name a few.

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