Poland to buy early-warning aircraft from Sweden

Poland has initiated talks with Sweden to purchase an undisclosed number of early-warning aircraft for the Polish Air Force.

As of now detailed negotiations are being carried out, and most likely the contract is expected to be signed soon.

Though Poland has not disclosed the make of the aircraft that are to be purchased, however it is most likely that the Polish government wants Saab’s GlobalEye aircraft which were also ordered by the Swedish Defence Materiel Administration (FMV) last year.

About GlobalEye Aircraft

GlobalEye is a multi-role airborne early warning & control (AEW&C) platform from Swedish defence and security company SAAB.

The aircraft consists of a suite of sensors using Saab’s Erieye ER (Extended Range) radar and mission system, installed in the Bombardier Global 6000/6500 long-range business jet.

Besides, GlobalEye operating at 35 000ft can detect low-level threats (at 200ft) at distances exceeding 458 km (247 nautical miles). The numbers for ground based radars (2800ft) are 152 km (82 nautical miles).

Mission capability:

  • Ultra-long range business jet, ideally suited for special missions applications, >11 h endurance
  • GlobalEye’s instrumented range is well above 300NM (550 km)
  • Excellent airfield performance, 6500 ft, allows the use of smaller airports
  • Full self-protection suite

Image Courtesy: https://www.saab.com/products/globaleye