RFI for fire & forget ATGMs along with launcher systems adapted on BMP-2/2K

Issue Date: 31 May 2023

Response Date: 31 Jul 2023

Defence Service: Indian Army

Brief Details: The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to procure approximately quantity 5000 Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Quantity 500 Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K for the Indian Army.

The Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems will be adapted on BMP-2/2K should be modular in design, thereby lending itself to future upgrades through simple modifications not leading to design/ structural changes.

It should also facilitate integration and installation on BMP- 2/2K, without impacting the performance of any system/sub-system of BMP-2/2K.

Further, these ATGMs will be adapted on BMP-2/2K and will be employed in under mentioned terrain conditions: -
(a) Plain and desert terrain as occurring along Western Borders of India.
(b) High Altitude (up to 5500 meters altitude) / Mountain terrain as occurring along Northern Borders (Eastern Ladakh/ Central Sector / North Sikkim) of India.  
Weather Conditions. Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K should be operational by day & night and in commonly encountered weather conditions including dust in the above terrains.
Temperature Conditions. The Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K including all sub-systems should be operational in following ambient temperature conditions: -
(a) Plain and Desert Terrain.
(i) Minimum Operating Temperature. Between 0° to 05° Celsius.
(ii) Maximum Operating Temperature. Between 40° to 45° Celsius.
(b) High Altitude & Mountain Terrain.
(i) Minimum Operating Temperature. Between (-)20° to (-)10° Celsius.
(ii) Maximum Operating Temperature. 40° Celsius.

Notably, the Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K will be employed in above mentioned terrain and environmental conditions. Fire & Forget ATGMs should be able to destroy enemy tanks, Armoured Personnel Carriers, combat vehicles, low flying helicopters and other groundbased weapon platforms / positions. 

Important Technical Parameters of Fire & Forget ATGMs:-

  1. Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K should be configurable to be integrated on a BMP 2/2K, without impacting the performance of any system/sub-system.
  2. Service Life. Service / operational life of the Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K should at least be 15 years. The shelf life of ATGM should be at least 15 years without any repair intervention and extendable to 25 years.
  3. Type. A Fire & Forget ATGM having capability of Top Attack and Direct Attack modes should be provided. It should be capable to perform in terrain, weather and temperature conditions as specified in Part I of this RFI.
  4. Dimensions. The dimensions of Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K i.e. length, width and height should meet operational and technical requirements as stipulated in this RFI.

(a) Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K. Should be able to fit on existing cradle of BMP-2/2K such that it does not impinge on the entry/exit of crew/ stick or any other static / moving part, component or system on the BMP-2/2K.

(b) ATGMs. Not more than 125mm in calibre and 1.25m in length.

  1. Weight. Gross weight of Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted

on BMP-2/2K should be as given below:-

(a) Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K.

The weight should be such that the existing cradle should be able to withstand the load without impinging functioning of any other system/ sub system.

(b) Fire & Forget ATGMs. Not more than 25 kgs.

  1. Range. The range of operation of the Fire & Forget ATGMs should be as given below:-

(a) Maximum Range. Not less than 5 km.

(b) Minimum Range. 200 m for Direct Fire & 1100 m for Top Attack Mode.

  1. Penetration. Penetrate at least 650 mm Rolled Homogeneous Armour equivalent (RHAe) beyond in-service Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA).
  2. Launch. Soft launch with smokeless propellant.
  3. Seeker. Day and Night Dual mode seeker to enable engagement of hot and cold targets in various visibility conditions with facility of ‘auto seeker lock on target’.
  4. Man in Loop. Capable to fire and update i.e. refine the impact point at terminal stage / switch targets mid-flight.
  5. Guidance System. Wireless Guidance System.
  6. Warhead. Inter-changeable anti-armour/ anti-personal warheads or multi-purpose anti-armour, blast-penetration & High Explosive warheads.
  7. Fuze. Impact for anti-armour warhead and programmable air-burst fuze for High Explosive warhead.
  8. Rate of Fire.

(a) Simultaneous Launch. Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K to be capable of simultaneously firing one ATGM each by gunner and commander to engage same/ different targets in their common field of view.

(b) Successive Launch. Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K should be capable to launch at least Two ATGMs within 30 seconds.

  1. Type of Fire.

(a) Lock On Before Launch (LOBL). Fire & Forget ATGMs should have LOBL capability for gunner and commander to engage same/ different targets in their common field of view.

(b) Lock On After Launch (LOAL). Fire & Forget ATGMs should have LOAL capability for gunner and commander to engage same/ different targets in their common field of view wherein the ATGM should be able to unlock itself from a previously locked target and lock on to a new target during flight of ATGM.

  1. Number of Launchers & Stowage of ATGMs. The quantity of launchers may be decided by vendor based on method planned for achieving ‘Rate of Fire’ mentioned at paragraph 14 above. Minimum Four ATGMs should be able to bestowed on BMP 2/2K. The crew should be able to quickly reload the on-board reserve missiles on the launchers from inside the BMP 2/2K either mechanically or manually without using any tools or equipment.
  2. Sighting System. The Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K should be integrated to the in-service sighting system, which should be common for the Main Gun and PKT as well. Both commander & gunner should be able to acquire, track and engage ATGM from respective stations.
  3. Missile Control Unit. The Control Unit including Gun Control Equipment (GCE) and Visual Display Unit (VDU) for acquiring targets, launch and tracking of ATGM should be common to that of the Main Gun and should be integrated with BMP 2/2K without impacting the ergonomics and functioning of any system/ sub-system by the crew.
  4. Transportability. The BMP-2/2K after integrating the Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems should be capable of being transported by tank transporters of the Indian Army, transport aircrafts of the Indian Air Force and broad-gauge railway military bogey.
  5. Maintainability.

(a) Modular systems & sub-systems to be provided to enable quick replacements & repairs at field workshop level. Maintenance Transfer of Technology (MToT) for sustenance of Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K should be provided. Maintenance, Repair & Overhaul (MRO) philosophy should be aligned to following levels of repairs (refer Appendix E to Schedule I to Chapter II DAP 2020):-

(i) Unit (Organisational 1 (O1) Level. Repairs carried out in the unit holding the equipment, involving replacement of minor components/ subassemblies, which do not require any Special Maintenance Tools (SMTs).

(ii) Field (Organisational 2 (O2) Level. Repairs by a field workshop, involving replacement of components/ major sub-assemblies, which may require Special Maintenance Tools (SMTs) supported by diagnostics using Special Test Equipment (STEs)/ Test Jigs/ Built In Test Equipment (BITE) facility.

(iii) Intermediate (I) Level. Repairs beyond the scope of field workshop, which require sophisticated Special Test Equipment (STEs)/ Test Jigs for diagnostics. These include repairs to rotables/ sub-assemblies through repairs/replacements of PCBs/ modules/ components.

(iv) Base (Depot (D)) Level. Base repair capability is established to avoid dependence on manufacturer in terms of factory repairs. These repairs include component level repairs of rotables / assemblies, which may be Major Unit Assembly (MUA)/ modules/ PCBs.

(b) Built in Test Equipment (BITE). Artificial Intelligence based built in diagnostic facility for all systems and critical sub-assemblies should be provided.

  1. Quality Assurance. Fire & Forget ATGM Launcher Systems adapted on BMP2/2K should be robust in construction & comply to following:-

(a) QA Parameters. JSS: 55555.

(b) EMI/ EMC Parameters. MIL STD-461E for EMI/ EMC parameters.

  1. Training Aids. The following training aids should be planned to be provided (scale will be given in RFP):-

(a) Integrated tactical and technical training simulators for indoor & outdoor training of Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K.

(b) Sectionised working models and cut models of all major and minor assemblies.

(c) AR/ VR and Computer Based training packages for honing skills to operate, maintain and repair all system and sub-systems of Fire & Forget ATGMs along with Launcher Systems adapted on BMP-2/2K.

(d) Operator manual, illustrated diagram, list of spares, list of special tools and SMTs, preservation instructions, TOTE and all other associated literature be provided.

(e) Any other suitable training aid as recommended by the vendor.

Interested vendors are required to intimate their willingness to participate in the project within 07 days from the date of hosting of the RFI. Further, the last date of acceptance of RFI Response is 08 weeks from date of Pre-Response Vendor Interaction.