Raytheon to deliver 571 AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles

It has been reported that the US Department of Defense (DoD) has awarded Raytheon Missiles and Defense a $236.7 Million modification contract to manufacture 571 AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles (Block II) with supplementary equipment.

Further, according to the US Department of Defense, 257 Sidewinder missiles will be handed over to the US Air Force, while 91 will be delivered to the US Navy.

The remaining 223 will be distributed to undisclosed foreign customers.

All the mentioned customers will acquire the products by August 2026.

The modification comes as part of Raytheon’s Lot 23 production for the military services.

About AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles

The AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles is a triple-threat missile that can be used for air-to-air engagements, surface-attack and surface-launch missions without modifications.

A U.S. Navy-led joint program with the U.S. Air Force, the AIM-9X Sidewinder missiles also has 31 Foreign Military Sales partners. The advanced infrared-tracking, short-range missile is combat proven in several theaters around the world.

Multiple platforms

The weapon is configured for easy installation on a wide range of modern aircraft, including the F-15C Eagle, F-15E Strike Eagle, F-16 Fighting Falcon, F/A-18 Super Hornet, E/A-18G Growler, F-22 Raptor and all F-35 Joint Strike Fighter variants. As part of National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System, best known as NASAMS™, AIM-9X adds a short-range layer of defense.

Block II variant

The AIM-9X Block II missile adds a redesigned fuze and a digital ignition safety device to improve handling and in-flight safety. It’s equipped with updated electronics, including a lock-on-after-launch capability using a new weapon datalink to support beyond visual range engagements.

Specification Source: https://www.raytheonmissilesanddefense.com/what-we-do/naval-warfare/advanced-strike-weapons/aim-9x-sidewinder-missile