HAL-L&T Consortium built PSLV ready for delivery

The HAL-L&T consortium, which secured the order to manufacture five Polar Satellite Launch Vehicles (PSLV) rockets from Space PSU NewSpace India Limited (NSIL), is expected to deliver the first launch vehicle ahead of schedule.

Notably, HAL has a share of 52 percent in the consortium while the rest of the 48 percent lies with L&T.

Earlier in September 2022, the HAL-L&T consortium bagged Rs 860 Crores contract for end-to-end realisation of five PSLV over a period of four years from the NewsSpace India Limited (NSIL).

As part of its mandate NSIL had invited Expression of Interest (EoI) on August 16, 2019, for realization of five PSLV-XL Launch Vehicles by Indian industry, which was followed by issuance of RFP in December 2020 and subsequent shortlisting of three entities in early 2021.

And, after the techno-commercial evaluation of the three bids, HAL-L&T consortium eventually emerged as the technically qualified and the L1 bidder to undertake end-to-end production of PSLV.

The consortium is to produce, assemble, and integrate the launcher by making use of the existing ISRO facilities under GOCO (Government Owned, Contractor Operated) model.