Vice Adm Rajesh Pendharkar takes over as the Flag Officer Commanding-In-Chief, Enc

Vice Admiral Rajesh Pendharkar, AVSM, VSM assumed charge as the Flag Officer Commanding-in-Chief (FOC-in-C), Eastern Naval Command (ENC) on 01 Aug 2023.  Vice Adm Pendharkar inspected the Ceremonial Guard and reviewed platoons of naval and DSC personnel represented by various ships and establishments of the ENC. The ceremony was attended by all Flag Officers and…

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Women Officers in Indian Army: An Update

The number of women officers in Indian Army medical and non-medical cadres are as under: The total number of women in Indian Army medical cadres, as on 01st July 2023:     Army Medical Corps (AMC) – 1,212 Army Dental Corps (ADC) – 168 Military Nursing Service (MNS) – 3,841 The total number of women officers in Indian…

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NISAR Utilization Programme (NISAR UP) for Indian Researchers

ISRO offers the NISAR Utilization Programme (NISAR UP), an opportunity for Indian researchers and scientists to access, analyse and interpret the data from the NASA–ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR)satellite mission. Basically, NISAR offers vital data to observe and study Earth’s intricate processes. This cutting-edge mission involves high-resolution imaging, wide swath, precise orbit control, and short revisit…

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