OS Maya to replace Microsoft on Indian MoD Computers

The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has decided to replace the Microsoft Operating System (OS) in all computers connected to the Internet with a new OS Maya, based on open-source Ubuntu developed locally.

This is being done owing to the increasing cyber and malware attacks on defence as well as critical infrastructure across the country,

Notably, Maya has the interface and all functionality like Windows and users will not feel much difference as they transition to it.

To begin with, Maya on all computers connected to the Internet in South Block is being installed.

In addition, an ‘end point detection and protection system’, Chakravyuh, is also being installed in these systems.

Currently, OS Maya is being installed only in Defence Ministry systems and not on computers connected to the networks of the three Services.

Besides, the three Indian Defence Services had also vetted it, and would adopt it on service networks as well soon.

As of now the Indian Navy had already cleared it and the Indian Army and the Indian Air Force were currently evaluating it.

Development by the Government agencies within six months, OS Maya would basically prevent malware attacks and other cyberattacks which had seen a steep increase.

There have been a series of malware and ransom attacks in the country, including on critical infrastructure in the recent past, and Maya OS seems to be a good enough answer to these. 

Source: https://www.thehindu.com/