Myanmar declares Pak supplied JF-17 Thunder jets operationally unfit

The Myanmar military junta has declared the JF-17 Thunder jets supplied by Pakistan as unfit for operations.

The Burmese Air Force was forced to ground these fighter planes due to malfunctions and structural flaws.

Noteworthy, Pakistan supplied many JF-17 Thunder jets to Myanmar between 2019 and 2021 and all have been declared “unfit for operations.”

The delivered planes were part of a deal that the Burmese military junta signed in 2016 to purchase JF-17 produced jointly by Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation of China.

But soon after the delivery of the aircraft, the Burmese Air Force was forced to ground the planes as malfunctions and structural flaws were detected.

Pakistan is reportedly attempting to renegotiate the deal with newer versions of the JF-17s, but it is unclear if the military junta has accepted the new terms.

In all likelihood, these new variants will be developed by the same combination of Pakistan Aeronautical Complex and Chengdu Aircraft Industries Corporation of China.

Following the news of the malfunctioning of the JF-17s, Pakistan’s efforts to sell similar aircraft to other countries, especially Latin American countries have hit a roadblock,

Notably, China itself has not included a single JF-17 Thunder jets in its inventory to date.


About JF-17 Thunder jets 

JF-17 Thunder is an advanced, light-weight, all weather, day / night multi-role fighter aircraft.

It was developed as a joint venture between Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC), Kamra and Chengdu Aircraft Industry Corporation (CAC) of China.

It possesses excellent air-to-air and air-to-surface combat capabilities.

Notably, the state-of-the art avionics, optimally integrated sub-systems, computerized flight controls and capability to employ latest weapons provides decisive advantage to JF-17 over adversaries of same class.

Further, this, all weather, multi-role light combat fighter has remarkable high combat maneuverability at medium and low altitudes.

With effective firepower, agility and combat survivability, the aircraft is likely to emerge as a potent platform for any air force.


Physical Parameters  
Length 47 ft
Height 15 ft
Wingspan 31 ft
Empty Weight 7965 Kg
Performance Parameters
Maximum Take Off Weight 13500 Kg
Max Mach No 1.6
Maximum Speed 700 Knots IAS
Service Ceiling 55,500 ft
Thrust to Weight Ratio 1.07
Maximum Engine Thrust 19,000 lbs
G Limit +8/-3
Ferry Range 1,880 NM
No of Stations 08
Total Load Capacity 3400 KG

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