AoN details for Ground Based Autonomous System

Issued Date: 21 Sep 2023 Response Date: 18 Oct 2023 Service: Indian Army Categorisation : (i) Prototype Development Phase. ‘Make-II  (Industry Funded)’ iaw Para 5 (b) (i), Chapter III  of DAP-2020.  (ii) Procurement Phase. ‘Buy (Indian-IDDM)’  with minimum 50% IC iaw Para 6 (d), Chapter III  of DAP-2020. Other Specific Instructions : Note :- Vendors…

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IAF plans for six more ‘Netra’ early warning aircraft

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is planning to add more of the “Netra” (NEtworking TRaffic Analysis) early warning and control (EWC) aircraft to increase its surveillance capabilities. The significant development indicates IAF’s confidence in the indigenously developed system that has demonstrated its capabilities to track enemy aircraft and direct quick responses during the Balakot operations…

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Saab and ST Engineering sign MoU

Saab and ST Engineering (Singapore Technologies Engineering) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). Through this collaborative agreement, both companies will expand the partnership and explore opportunities in areas of Radar Integration and Support, Air Defence System Integration, Unmanned Systems, Training and Simulation and Autonomy.   The MoU signifies both companies’ intent to further strengthen…

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