IAF plans for six more ‘Netra’ early warning aircraft

The Indian Air Force (IAF) is planning to add more of the “Netra” (NEtworking TRaffic Analysis) early warning and control (EWC) aircraft to increase its surveillance capabilities.

The significant development indicates IAF’s confidence in the indigenously developed system that has demonstrated its capabilities to track enemy aircraft and direct quick responses during the Balakot operations in 2019.

Currently, the IAF is considering inducting six Netra EWC additional aircraft as part of a $1 billion plan to improve its surveillance and tracking capabilities.

Developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO), the IAF currently operates two Netra systems mounted on the Embraer 145 jet.

The proposed six additional systems will be installed on the same jet. However, efforts are being made to look for aircraft in the secondary market as the Embraer jets are no longer in production.

Source: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/