MoD clears proposal to buy Pralay ballistic missiles for Indian Army

The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has cleared the proposal of buying a regiment of Pralay ballistic missiles for the Indian Army which can strike targets at 150–500 km.

Notably, it is the first time that a ballistic missile will be inducted into the services for conventional operations.

The Pralay tactical ballistic missiles are currently being mass-produced and are expected to be ready for operational service soon.

Reportedly, the acquisition of these missiles is part of a broader strategy to develop a strategic rocket force.

The missile was successfully tested twice on two consecutive days last December, and the forces have been working towards its acquisition and induction ever since.

The Pralay ballistic missiles, propelled by a solid-propellant rocket motor and other novel technologies, are expected to provide a substantial boost to the Indian Army’s offensive capabilities.

About Pralay Ballistic Missiles

Pralay is a canisterised tactical, surface-to-surface, short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) for battlefield use developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) of India.

The advanced missile has been developed in a way to be able to defeat interceptor missiles. It has the ability to change its path after covering a certain range in midair.

The quasi-ballistic surface-to-surface missile is a unification of technologies developed for exoatmospheric interceptor missile Prithvi Defence Vehicle (PDV) from Indian Ballistic Missile Defence Programme and Prahaar tactical missile.

The project to develop Pralay was sanctioned in March 2015 with a budget of Rs 332.88 Crores.

Similar foreign missiles of the same class include Dongfeng 12 (CSS-X-15), Precision Strike Missile, 9K720 Iskander and Hyunmoo 2 missile.

The missile is powered by a solid-propellant rocket motor and many new technologies.

It has a range of 150-500 km and can be launched from a mobile launcher.

The missile guidance system includes a state-of-the-art navigation system and integrated avionics.

Furthermore, the ballistic missile carries 350 kg to 700 kg high explosive preformed fragmentation warhead, Penetration-Cum-Blast (PCB) and Runway Denial Penetration Submunition (RDPS) at a range of 150 km to 500 km.

The missile is designed to target radar and communication installations, command and control centers and advance airfields using conventional warhead. The system is road mobile and meets the tactical ballistic missile requirement of the Indian Army.

Noteworthy, Pralay fills the gap of a conventionally armed ballistic missile that is not hampered by ‘No First Use’ nuclear policy.
