France orders 7 offshore patrol vessels

The French defense procurement agency (DGA) ordered seven (7) new Offshore Patrol Vessels (OPV) worth €900 million (US$ 981 million) as part of the “Patrouilleurs Hauturiers” program for the French Navy.

The government procurement agency Directorate General of Armaments (DGA) will be prime contractor, while Naval Group will be providing project management assistance and Thales will be supplying hull sonar and other systems.

The first OPV is scheduled for delivery in 2026 and 10 OPVs are expected to be in service by 2035.

To be noted that they are intended to replace the high seas patrol vessels based in Brest and Toulon, as well as the Cherbourg public service patrol boats.

A production contract was also notified to the temporary consortium of companies consisting of CMN, Piriou and Socarenam.

DGA said in a statement: ‘The first stage of the offshore patrol vessel programme, based on the acquisition of seven vessels, will fill a gap in the second-tier vessel segment taking into account the decommissioning of offshore patrol vessels that have already taken place.’