India to go ahead with the development of long range rockets

India is going ahead with the development of long range rockets for the indigenous Pinaka systems, which will have the ability to hit targets at a distance of over 200 km, enhancing their reach and lethality.

The extended range, guided rockets are being developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and are likely to heavily involve the private sector as a production partner.

DRDO is the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military’s research and development, headquartered in Delhi, India.

The development of rockets having a range of 120-200km and pinpoint accuracy is basically being undertaken to counter China and Pakistan’s joint efforts to develop long-range multi-barrel rocket systems.

The Indian rockets will operate from existing Pinaka Multi-Barrel Rocket Launchers (MBRL), providing flexibility for deployment.

The current range of rockets fired from Pinaka is 37 km and that of extended-range rockets is 45 km.
