Indian Navy proceeds with import of Heavy-weight Torpedoes and indigenous development

As per the news reports, Indian Navy is pushing proposals to equip Kalvari submarines (P-75 submarines) with heavy-weight torpedoes (HWT) through indigenous, global routes

The two proposals include buying 48 HWT through a global tender and acquiring indigenous DRDO developed electrical heavy-weight torpedoes (HWT).

The proposals are expected to be discussed at a high-level defence ministry meeting next week.

Once the proposals get AoN (acceptance of necessity), the tenders will be floated after few months, in which global and Indian players will participate.

Noteworthy, Bharat Dynamics (BDL) is already a nominated partner for DRDO-developed electrical heavy-weight torpedoes.

Also, BDL is expected to participate in indigenous manufacturing of required foreign DWTs.

Further, Bharat Electronics Limited is also expected to be the key beneficiary for required electronic systems/sub-systems for these torpedoes.

