ENAV and Leonardo strengthen their cooperation in international markets

Cutting-edge technologies, innovative solutions and services to improve air traffic management and safety. These are the key points of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between ENAV SpA and Leonardo, intended to strengthen their cooperation and operate jointly in the Air Traffic Management (ATM) market in Italy and abroad.

The agreement, signed by ENAV CEO Pasqualino Monti and Leonardo Co-General Manager Lorenzo Mariani, aims to establish an industrial and commercial partnership to develop a portfolio of high-value-added technologies and systems in air traffic management.

The 24-month agreement also encompasses joint services, ranging from training operational personnel to validating new sensors and defining flight procedures.

The two companies have worked together for some time now in developing advanced radar and surveillance systems, communication technologies, air traffic management software, and satellite navigation procedures.

Leonardo and ENAV are also partners in the latest air traffic management initiatives for drones.

The agreement may be the subject of subsequent binding agreements that the parties will define in compliance with the applicable legislation, including that relating to transactions between related parties.

Source: https://www.leonardo.com/en/media-hub/press-releases