Foreign Ministers to address Ukraine support, Indo-Pacific partners, southern neighbourhood as NATO marks 75 years

Foreign Ministers are gathering at NATO headquarters in Brussels on Wednesday (3 April 2024) for a two-day meeting to mark NATO’s 75th anniversary and to prepare for the upcoming Washington Summit in July.

Since its creation on 4 April 1949, the transatlantic Alliance has grown from 12 founding members to 32 member countries, all working together to keep our people safe.

A community of Allies bound together by common values of democracy, individual liberty, human rights and the rule of law, NATO will celebrate its anniversary on 4 April at NATO Headquarters in Brussels and at the upcoming summit on 9-11 July in Washington, D.C., where its founding treaty was signed. 

Speaking ahead of the meeting, Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg underscored that the Alliance was founded “on a single, solemn promise: an attack on one Ally is an attack on all.”

The Secretary General welcomed Allies’ continued efforts to provide major deliveries of weapons, ammunition, and equipment to Ukraine, warning that any delay in support has consequences on the battlefield.

He called on Allies to ensure assistance for Ukraine for the long haul. Ministers will discuss how NATO could assume more responsibility for coordinating military equipment and training, as well as ensure a multi-year financial commitment for Ukraine, he said.

On Thursday, ministers will address Ukraine’s current and future needs at the NATO-Ukraine Council and will meet with Indo-Pacific partners and the European Union.

The Secretary General stressed that the war in Ukraine illustrates “our security is not regional – it is global.” 

Ministers will also address instability in NATO’s southern neighborhood and agree a new policy on Women, Peace and Security “because our societies are stronger and safer when we draw on the contributions of all our people,” said Mr Stoltenberg.  
