NSA Doval highlights need to shun double standards & hold sponsons of terrorism accountable at SCO meet

National Security Advisor (NSA) Ajit Doval on Wednesday asked member states of the China-led Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO) to shed its double standards and hold accountable those who were sponsors, financiers and facilitators of terrorism.

His remarks came in the backdrop of China supporting Pakistan at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) by blocking international moves to designate terrorists harboured by Islamabad.

Doval made the comments while strongly condemning the terrorist attack at Crocus City Hall in Moscow on 22 March that killed more than 130 people.

The Islamic State (IS) group said it was behind the attack.

Speaking at the NSAs/Secretaries of the Security Councils of SCO member states hosted by Kazakhstan, Doval conveyed to his Russian counterpart Nikolai Patrushev that India was with his government and the Russian people in addressing the threat from terrorism in all forms and manifestations.

Doval pointed out that any act of terror, including cross-border terrorism committed by whomsoever, wherever and for whatever motives, was not justified.

Perpetrators of terrorism should be effectively and expeditiously dealt with including those involved in cross-border terrorism, he was quoted as saying by sources in the security establishment.

He highlighted the need to shun double standards and hold accountable those who were sponsors, financiers and facilitators of terrorism.

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Doval raised the issue of continued threat posed by various terror groups in the SCO region, including those designated by the UNSC, including al Qaeda and its affiliates, the IS, the Lashkar-e-Taiba and the Jaish-e-Mohammad.

Doval also emphasised the need to counter the use of technology by terrorists, including drones for cross-border smuggling of weapons and drugs.

India supports the creation of effective mechanisms for cooperation within the Regional Anti-Terrorist Structure (RATS) of the SCO for countering terror financing and further strengthening the RATS-SCO.

He expressed deep concern on the security situation in Afghanistan, including on the continued presence of terrorist networks, and mentioned that as a contiguous neighbour, India had legitimate security and economic interests in the country.

Doval conveyed that SCO’s immediate priorities in Afghanistan included providing humanitarian assistance, ensuring formation of a truly inclusive and representative government, combating terrorism and drug-trafficking, and preserving the rights of women, children and minorities.

He informed all that India had invested USD 3 billion in Afghanistan and had supplied 50,000 metric tonnes (MT) of wheat, 250 tonnes of medical aid, and 40,000 litres of malathion pesticide to fight the locust menace.

Doval also emphasised that India’s relationship with SCO countries went back several centuries and it was committed to further deepening it.

India was also dedicated to enhancing transit trade and connectivity which should be fully respectful of sovereignty and territorial integrity of SCO member states, he added.

Source: https://theprint.in/world/need-to-shun-double-standards-hold-accountable-sponsors-of-terror-nsa-ajit-doval-at-sco-meet/2026212/