AoN for Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) 12.7 mm

Issue Date: 03 Nov 2022       |        Response Date: 02 Dec 2022

Issued By: Indian Army

Brief Details: The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to procure Quantity 90 x Remote Controlled Weapon Station (RCWS) 12.7 mm NSVT for the Indian Army and seeks participation in the procurement process from prospective Bid.

The stabilized remote controlled weapon station (RCWS) for 12.7 mm NSVT should be capable of being interfaced with tank’s system and should be constructed with a modular concept with following :-

  • Stabilised Platform. RCWS platform should be stabilized on two axes on which the the 12.7 mm NSVT and optronic sight would be mounted.
  • Multi Function Display Unit. The RCWS should have a MFDU consisting of a LCD monitor with soft keys capable of all initializations, operational settings, calibration and diagnostics and operating various software menus. MFDU should also be capable of upgradation due to technological advancement.
  • System Control Panel. RCWS should have a system control panel consisting of joystick to enable commander to operate 12.7 mm NSVT as also selection of modes of operation and Day/Night sight selection.
  • Sensor Suite. The RCWS should include the single LRU optronics package. The integrated elctro optics should feature a thermal imager, day imager, a laser range finder and a video target tracker.