Israel carries out first operational interception of David’s Sling Defense System

Israel recently carried out the first operational interception of David’s Sling Defense System. It was the system’s first operational intercept since its induction in 2017.

Basically, the missile intercepted a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip.

Jointly developed by the DDR&D’s IMDO & the MDA, the system provides protection against medium range ballistic threats: airborne, UAV and cruise missiles. It was declared fully operational in 2017.

About David’s Sling System

The David’s Sling System forms a crucial element of Israel’s multi-tier layered missile defense architecture to provide mid-tier regional missile defense.

Further, it offers terminal-phase, hit-to-kill defense against tactical ballistic missiles, medium- to long-range rockets, enemy planes, drones and cruise missiles, including Scud missiles.

In addition to partnering on the system’s Stunner interceptor, Raytheon Technologies produces the system’s missile firing units.

Teams in nearly 30 states across the U.S. produce the missile and its firing unit.

David’s Sling comprises the multi-pulse Stunner missile, which uses sophisticated sensors and control systems and an active electronically scanned array, or AESA, multi-mission radar for targeting and guidance.

Repeated testing has proven the system’s ability to destroy large torrents of high-caliber rockets and short-range ballistic missiles.

David’s Sling’s maneuverable, two-stage, hit-to-kill Stunner missile has no warhead; the interceptor destroys threats with sheer force of impact.
