The Indian Army is interested in procuring of General-Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) to be used by the Special Forces as a multipurpose weapon, and has issued a RFI for the same. The intended weapon is to provide sustained fire and ideally be suited for a Squad Automatic Weapon for the Special Forces.
The response date of RFI is by 24 Jul 2023; while the Tentative date of issue of RFP is Nov 2023.
The total quantity required is approximately 616 (Six Hundred Sixteen only) GPMGs.
Further, these are planned to be procured in a phased manner, the desired quantity should be delivered within twelve (12) months to twenty-four (24) months from the day of signing of the contract.
The RFI stipulates that General-Purpose Machine Gun (GPMG) should have the following key specification as given below: -
Caliber: 7.62mm x 51mm.
Maximum Effective Range: Not less than 1000m with adequate accuracy and lethality.
Rate of Fire:
(i) Burst - Not less than 120 rounds/min.
(ii) Cyclic - Not less than 800 rounds/min.
Spare Barrel: A spare barrel should be provided which can be quickly changed in field conditions.
Life of the Barrel: Not less than 20000 rounds.
Flash Level: Flash Hider should be provided.
Weight: Not more than 10 kgs with bipod.
Overall Length: Not more than 1.2m (with butt extended).
Feed: Drum fed or Belted ammunition.
Butt: Retractable/ folding.
(l) Mount. The GPMG should be provided with the following mounts :-
(i) Bipod. Extendable and foldable by hand.
(ii) Tripod. Tripod for sustained firing role.
(iii) Vehicle Mount. Capable of being mounted on vehicles.
(m) Carrying Handle and Sling. Should be provided and should assist in use of weapon in hip firing mode and easy carriage.
Ammunition: It should be capable of firing Ball, Tracer, Steel Core, Blank, Armour Piercing and Incendiary ammunition.
Picattiny Rail: The GPMG should have a standard Picattiny Rail (Military Standard 1913) suitably placed to mount all types of sighting systems.
Suppressor: The weapon should be provided with the Suppressor for low flash and noise signature.
Service Life: Service Life of GPMG should not be less than 10 years. (OEM Certificate).