RFP, 0.6M Satcom Airborne Antenna Terminal (0.6M SAAT)

Issue Date: 03 Jul 2023

Response Date: 25-Jul-2023

Service: DRDO

DRDO issued tender for 0.6M Satcom Airborne Antenna Terminal (0.6M SAAT), quantity 03 nos. Specifications/Drawings will be made available to the interested bidders by the RFP issuing authority. Specifications/drawings supplied by this office are to be returned with the Techno-Commercial Bid.

0.6M Satcom Airborne Antenna Terminal (0.6 M SAAT) is required for full duplex communication between an aircraft and a Ground Control Station (GCS) via satellite. It comprises of Reflector antenna, two-axis stabilization & pointing system, Block Up Converter (BUC) and Low Noise Block Up Converter (LNBC). Additionally the feed / reflector of the antenna will be rotated for polarization matching of the airborne & satellite antennas. The stabilization & pointing system shall ensure continuous pointing of 0.6M SAAT towards the satellite irrespective of yaw, pitch & roll disturbances & movement of the aircraft.

System Configuration: It consist of 0.6M Reflector antenna with ADE (Axially Displaced Ellipsoid) Configuration. The Pointing & Stabilization System consists of Antenna Control Unit (ACU) and a positioner for movement of the antenna in Az, EL & polarization axes. The pointing & stabilization system uses INS/GPS data for computing look angles and points the antenna towards the satellite. In addition, antenna feed / reflector is also rotated for polarization matching with the satellite. The RF subsystems include BUC & LNBC that’s are mounted at the antenna feed. For both transmit & receive chain, L-Band signal is routed through the Rotary Joint.

The SAAT is powered from Aircraft`s 28+4 V, DC power supply (MIL-STD-704 D). Both Transmit & Receive Reject Filter (TRF & RRF) as per the given specifications is to be integrated with receive & transmit chain respectively as per the block diagram shown above. Monitoring & Control (M&C) signals flow between SAAT and aircraft`s onboard computer via slip ring. All the subsystems are to be integrated as single unit which is to be mounted on the aircraft.