Indian Navy gets refurbished submarine periscopes from CSIO

The Central Scientific Instruments Organisation (CSIO) in Chandigarh has completed a project to repair and refurbish periscopes on the Indian Navy’s attack submarines.

The project took 18 months to finish and involved studying and analysing various optical elements and components and developing the technology and methodology to meet the Navy’s specifications.

Noteworthy, this is the first time that such a complex electro-optical device has been indigenously restored in India. Earlier, this optical device was being imported.

Further, CSIO is working in collaboration with an Indian company to make periscopes for the submarines of the Indian Navy.

These periscopes, basically are complex electro-optical devices that allow the crew to visually scan the surrounding sea surface while the submarine remains submerged just below the surface.

This in turn reduces the risk of detection.

Also, to be noted that submarines are equipped with different types of periscopes, which can be raised or retracted as per the requirement.