CUMI ties up with ideaForge for nanomaterial composite parts for drones

Murugappa group company Carborundum Universal Limited (CUMI) has announced its collaboration with drone maker ideaForge Technology to jointly develop nanomaterial reinforced composite parts for drones.

To be noted that nanomaterial reinforced composite parts / materials (such as graphene-reinforced polymers) hold the promise of transforming structural parts for aerospace applications.

They offer several improvements in physical properties over standard composite materials which can include higher mechanical strength, greater toughness and stiffness, better electrical and thermal conductivity, superior fire retardancy and higher barrier to moisture and gases.

Furthermore, nanocomposites also offer unique design possibilities, which offer immense potential in creating materials with desired properties for specific applications.

The use of the appropriate nanomaterials can help build drones that are smaller, lighter, stronger, and more durable, among others.

The use of nanomaterial reinforced composites in drones offers several exciting possibilities such as higher specific modulus or strength and is likely to shape the future of airframe and related structural components of drones.


About Carborundum Universal Limited

Carborundum Universal Limited (CUMI), established as a tripartite joint venture in 1954, is a leading materials sciences engineering solutions provider.

CUMI’s consolidated revenue is Rs. 3300 crores and PAT of Rs. 333 crores for the financial year 2022.

It is a Mines to Market Company whose integrated operations include mining, power generation, fusion, manufacturing, marketing and distribution.

At present, CUMI has over 5,500 employees worldwide who collaborate, innovate and develop high-quality material solutions and world-class services in abrasives, electrominerals, ceramics, refractories and energy storage materials, serving customers in diverse industries including engineering, fabrication, auto and auto components, infrastructure, steel, glass, power generation and distribution, mining and aerospace.

Noteworthy, it has a wide geographical presence spanning six continents and exports products to over 50 countries.