PGZ, Javelin Joint Venture signs MoU for Javelin anti-tank weapon system in Poland

Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (PGZ) and the Javelin Joint Venture (JJV), a partnership between Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, have entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) regarding production of the Javelin anti-tank weapon system in Poland.

Intended to support increasing current and future inventory demand due to regional security concerns in Europe, PGZ and the JJV have signed the MOU to explore the establishment of a final assembly facility and component production capabilities in Poland.

Further, this agreement will stabilze future production of the Javelin system for U.S. forces while providing unique opportunities for Polish industry.

In June of 2021, Poland’s Territorial Defence Forces (TDF) completed Javelin Operator Training and were certified to maintain and operate Javelin, as well as conduct their own operator training.

After completion, the TDF’s newly trained Javelin operators fired Javelin missiles during a live-fire demonstration in Torun, Poland.

Noteworthy, Javelin is developed and produced by the JJV between Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona and Lockheed Martin in Orlando, Florida. To date, the JJV has produced more than 50,000 Javelin missiles and more than 12,000 reusable Command Launch Units. Javelin is currently in service with 23 countries. Poland was the first international country to receive the Javelin F-Model missile variant.
