Rheinmetall awarded contract to supply Trailblazer camera system to UK Warrior IFVs

Rheinmetall Electronics UK Ltd has been awarded a contract by the UK Ministry of Defence to supply the Trailblazer camera system for the Warrior infantry fighting vehicle fleet.

Notably, Rheinmetall won the contract in an open competition.

It will be supplying Trailblazer driver’s view system for a total of 359 Warrior infantry fighting vehicles.

The order value is in the low double-digit million euro range.

The Trailblazer cameras will be used as a Rear Safety Camera System (RSCS) for the Warrior vehicle, providing a key safety feature for the driver to recognise terrain and personnel at the rear of the vehicle. 

The camera proposed by Rheinmetall Electronics UK is also used as the PAX camera on the Boxer Mechanised Infantry Vehicle (MIV) – part of the vehicles complete local situational awareness system.

The PAX model comprises an infrared camera with a 90° field of view giving coverage down to 0 Lux, allowing the driver a wide field of view across the width of the vehicle.

On the Boxer MIV programme, it has recently been independently confirmed that the Trailblazer system will be compliant to an internationally recognised functional safety standard (IEC 61508, within a SIL2 application).

Alongside delivery into the Warrior and Boxer MIV programmes, Rheinmetall Electronics UK are also providing the Driver Vision System on the Challenger 3 main battle tank programme.

Noteworthy, Boxer MIV and Challenger 3 represent two of the most important modernisation programs for the British Army.

As part of this programme, Rheinmetall Electronics UK will be delivering the latest, Third Generation Trailblazer solutions, which are fully software defined, Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA) compatible and have already been qualified to safety and EMC standards, reducing risks around integration.

The cameras support continuous, incremental updates, ensuring the capability remains evergreen.

Source: https://www.rheinmetall.com/en/media/news-watch/news/2023/11/2023-11-21-rheinmetall-delivers-trailblazer-to-uk