DRDO issues tender for procurement of 2-18GHz, 32-40 GHz and 5-18 GHz BLI Antenna Array with Radome

The Defence Research and Organization, the premier agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Indian Ministry of Defence has issued tender for procurement of 2-18GHz, 32-40 GHz and 5-18 GHz BLI Antenna Array with Radome.

The development contract aims at the realization of QT qualified subsystem of 2-18GHz spiral BLI array, 32-40 GHz spiral BLI array, 5-18 GHz spiral BLI array (each 4 element), with associated shaped/contoured randome for 2-18 GHz and 32-40 GHz spiral BLI Antennae Array.

Essential Details of Items/Services Required

The item delivery period is maximum of 9 months from Aro, which includes inspection and acceptance of item.

To know the details of the tender click https://defproc.gov.in/nicgep/app?page=FrontEndTenderDetailsExternal&service=page&tnid=709621