Airbus to launch Sustainable Aviation Hub in Singapore

Airbus has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Singapore Economic Development Board (EDB) to facilitate the establishment of a Sustainable Aviation Hub with a specific focus on technology, research and innovation.

Under this MoU, both parties intend to enter into discussions to facilitate Airbus’ establishment of the Sustainable Aviation Hub in Singapore.

The Hub will bring together aerospace professionals, researchers, and innovators to create a collaborative environment that promotes research and development aimed at building a robust and environmentally sustainable aviation ecosystem.

Notably, the Hub will focus on the following key areas of development:

  • Decarbonising Aviation:

To support the global transition towards decarbonised aviation, the Hub will focus on research and analysis of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) supply chain and hydrogen-based technologies. 

  • Maintenance, Services, and Operations:

Also, the Hub will focus on advancing maintenance, services and operations within the aerospace industry, leveraging cutting-edge technologies and best practices. 

  • Air Traffic Management and Unmanned Air Traffic Management:

The Hub will work on projects aimed at modernising and improving air traffic management (ATM) systems, as well as the emerging field of unmanned air traffic management (UTM). 

This project includes the design, development, and the test and validation of sustainable next-generation aviation technologies and best practices in the industry.

The Sustainable Aviation Hub will be hosted within Airbus’ Singapore Campus in Seletar Aerospace Park.

A priority for the Hub is to work in close collaboration with the local enterprises, universities and research institutions to facilitate knowledge exchange, talent development, and joint research initiatives.

A comprehensive talent development programme will also be established to nurture local aerospace professionals, researchers, and innovators through internships, training courses, with and joint programmes drawing the support of Airbus’ global research teams.

The longstanding collaborative relationship between Airbus and EDB which started nearly two decades ago, is a driving force behind this joint commitment to support the Sustainable Aviation Hub launch in the city-state.
