Gaganyaan mission gets Rs 9023 Cr allocation to achieve its objectives

Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Science & Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh has stated that the budget of Rs. 9023 Crores is allocated towards achieving the objectives of Gaganyaan mission.

The scope of Gaganyaan programme is to demonstrate human spaceflight capability to Low Earth Orbit and safe return.

Further, ISRO is also developing indigenous technologies for Human rated launch vehicle, Habitable Crew Module, Life Support System, Crew Escape System, Ground Station Network, Crew Training and Recovery.

These technologies are crucial to meet the objectives of Gaganyaan mission and to take up any further interplanetary missions, the Minister added.

Notably, the Government has taken several steps to strengthen the space sector in the country.

The sector has already been opened for enhanced participation of private enterprises in the space sector by allowing them to conduct end-to-end activities across all verticals of space domain.

In this regard, the Indian National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe) has been created for the promotion and handholding of Non-Government Entities (private companies / start-ups).

Basically, IN-SPACEe is designated as the single window agency to promote, enable, authorize, and supervise the non-Government entities in Space Sector in India. Till date, IN-SPACe has received applications from more than 160 NGEs in the Space Sector.

Besides, several private industries are also contributing significantly to the Indian space programme led by ISRO, delivering subsystems and components.

The Department of Space is also in the process of formulating a comprehensive, overarching space policy that shall provide a further boost to the entire space ecosystem.


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