ISRO getting ready to launch Gaganyaan mission with ‘Vyommitra’ humanoid robot

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is getting ready to launch the first Gaganyaan mission, with Vyommitra, a female-looking space-faring humanoid robot as its first tester, reported by moneycontrol

This humanoid robot performs several tasks to simulate human behaviour in space.

Last week, Union minister Jitendra Singh updated the public on India’s first manned space trip, revealing that trials for the project would begin in October.

Further, he conformed that the project’s second phase will involve the launch of a female humanoid robot called “Vyommitra” into space.

Noteworthy, ISRO will launch two initial missions in the second half of this year under the Gaganyaan program.

One mission will be completely unmanned and a female robot named ‘Vyommitra’ will be sent in the second one.

A budget of Rs. 9023 Crores has already been allocated towards achieving the objectives of Gaganyaan mission, by the Indian Government. 

About Gaganyaan Mission

The Gaganyaan is an Indian crewed orbital spacecraft intended to be the formative spacecraft of the Indian Human Spaceflight Programme.

Further, the project envisages demonstration of human spaceflight capability by launching crew of 3 members to an orbit of 400 km for a 3 days mission.

And, then to bring them back safely to earth, by landing in Indian sea waters.