RFP / Tender for 3 Channel Tracking Receivers, Issued by Department of Space

Issued date: 17-Apr-2023      |   Response Date: 09-May-2023

The Department of Space has issued a RFP/Tender for 3 Channel Tracking Receivers.

Proposed 3- channels Monopulse Tracking Receiver is required to be used at the satellite TTC ground station for tracking LEO satellites and ISRO launch vehicles.

Tracking receiver shall accept 3 independent channel IF signals of 70 MHz (SUM, Delta Az, Delta El) for processing and provide AGC and DC error voltage (for Az & El) to Antenna Control Unit for auto tracking purpose. It can have option for configuring with two sum and one error configuration also.

Tracking receiver shall have capability to operate in both coherent and noncoherent mode to take care of PM, FM, BPSK, QPSK modulations for received IF signal.

This system is going to be used in ground station in round the clock 24/7 basis. So, it shall have highest possible reliability and availability figures.