Extension of Bid Submission for Air Defence Guns & Ammo tender

Further to the Request for Technical and Commercial Proposal for “Quantity 220 Air Defence Guns (Successor to L-70 and Zu 23-MM-2B Guns) & 1,41,576 rounds ammunition (37,440 advanced and 1,04,136 standard rounds of ammunition), dated 07 Oct 22. The Last date of submission of Technical and Commercial Proposal in the instant case has been further extended to 18 Jul 2023 instead of 06 Jun 2023.

The bids should be submitted by 1500 Hrs, 18 Jul 2023.

The tender has been issued under Buy and Make (Indian) Category with Buy quantity as ‘Zero’. Complete quantity of 220 guns and 1,41,576 rounds of ammunition (37,440 advanced and 1,04,136 standard rounds of ammunition) will be procured under Make portion of the contract with Buy quantity as zero.

Further, minimum of 50% IC is required on cost basis of the Make portion of the contract less taxes and duties.

The end user of the equipment is the Indian Armed Forces.

Image Courtesy: https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/