RFI for 12 x Mine Counter Measure Vessels

Issue Date: 03 Aug 2023

Response Date: 29 Sep 2023

Service:  Indian Navy

Brief Details: The Ministry of Defence, Government of India, intends to procure 12 (twelve) Mine Counter Measure Vessels (MCMVs) for the Indian Navy (IN) from registered Indian Shipyards.

The MCMVs would be constructed in a phased manner over a period of 08 (eight) years.

Apart from the information sought as per the Appendices, the shipyards may also forward technical details/ brochure/ preliminary design/ literature, etc., as deemed appropriate with respect to this said RFI for Procurement of 12 x Mine Counter Measure Vessels (MCMVs).

The Intended Use of MCMVs (Operational Requirements): The MCMVs should be able to carry out Operational Roles, including Mine Counter Measures operations using Unmanned MCM Suite, Channel Mapping, Route Survey and Sanitisation, Search and Rescue (SAR) and Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief (HADR), Mine Laying, Local Naval Defence as well as Constabulary Roles, e.g. Coastal surveillance, MIO and VBSS Operations in Indian Maritime Zones.

Quantity Required and Anticipated Delivery Time Frames: 12 (twelve) MCMVs are planned to be acquired. The anticipated delivery time lines for the MCMVs is proposed between 2030 to 2037.

The order is planned to be split between L1 and L2 Shipyards in the ration of 8:4, wherein L2 shipyard will be required to construct the ships at the L1 cost. Shipyards are to indicate their comments on the build period and timelines for delivery.

Indigenous Content (IC): The construction of the MCMVs will be as per DAP 2020 and accordingly shipyards are required to submit the details regarding Indigenous Content (IC).

Further, the categorization for the procurement is intended to be under Buy (Indian-IDDM)/ Buy (Indian). The MCMVs must meet the minimum IC parameters iaw Para 21 of Chapter 1 of DAP 20.

The Shipyards are to also comment/ provide recommendations regarding categorization and IC content as per DAP 20.