New NASAMS cooperative arrangement established between Norway, RTX and Kongsberg

The Norwegian Ministry of Defence have announced a new collaborative arrangement between Norway, Raytheon, an RTX business, and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace on the National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System, or NASAMS.

The agreement, which was signed at the Norwegian ambassador’s residence in Washington DC in October, will lay the foundation to further enhance NASAMS’ already robust and combat-proven air defence capabilities. 

Drawing on decades of experience, industrial cooperation, and significant investment made by all three parties, this new collaborative arrangement will grow the capabilities of NASAMS to ensure it keeps pace with ever-evolving complex threats.


NASAMS, a highly adaptable medium-range air defence solution, is jointly developed and produced by Raytheon and Kongsberg Defence & Aerospace.

Worth mentioning that it is the world’s first operational Network Centric Short to Medium Range Ground Based Air Defence System.

At present, a total of fifteen (15) nations have acquired the KONGSBERG command and control solution adapted to their requirements.

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